1. 在机场的告别,你提着母亲为你塞得满满当当的行李箱,听着他们的千叮咛、万嘱咐。
The first time I felt homesick during my semester abroad, I hadn't even left the country yet. My parents had just dropped me off at JFK. They had stayed with me until I entered the security line, and then, with a few hugs and wave goodbye, they were gone.
It'd be the last time I saw them again for 6 months, the longest we'd ever been apart. Suddenly, that notion, so unconcerning a few moments before, felt unfathomable.
2. 在异乡的超市,被各种陌生的食品和标签包围着,孤独感油然而生,你想起母亲煮的汤面、熬的粥。
The second time it happened, I was shopping in my first Prague supermarket, surrounded by foods I didn't know, brands I couldn't read, and cashiers I couldn't understand, as I was shouted at in rapid Czech.
I was alone, confused, and incredibly overwhelmed, hating the unfamiliarity and wondering why I'd possibly thought traveling abroad was ever a good idea.
3. 生病的时候,你想起给你端水送药、为你忙来跑去的母亲,和她焦急关爱的眼神。
The third time, I was deeply sick with a virus; feverish, exhausted, and miserable. My friends brought me soup and I stayed home from class, but all I wanted was to be in my own house, with Gilmore Girls on the TV and meds that were in English, and a mom who'd rub my back as I fell asleep.
For the first time ever, I hated being abroad. The feeling went away the moment I recovered, but for those 10 days, nothing felt worse than being 4,000 miles away from home.
(1) 多参加课外活动
Find ways to get involved outside of academic classes, for example participate in an intramural sports team, join a hiking club or volunteer for a student-run organization. Participation will help you meet students with like-minded interests.
(2) 别一刻不停地刷朋友圈
It’s tempting to look at what your friends are doing at home, but you need to minimize time spent scrolling through social media. If you constantly focus on what you’re missing, you forget to live in the present moment.
(3) 开启全新的探索之旅
Do a little research about where you’re living and find a few places you absolutely have to explore –- the ten best coffee shops in the city, or the favorite locations for local street artists. Make a list of these places and challenge yourself to see all of them before you leave.
(4) 定期和家里视频
Schedule specific times for video calls with your family. University can be very hectic, so make time to keep up connections. You want to stay in touch through good times and bad.
But limit your phone or Skype conversations to a few times a week with family. Talk to them too much and you’ll become dependent on them.
(5) 动手做做家乡菜
Cooking food that you're used to eating at home with your family can be a fun way to tackle homesickness. Most supermarkets have aisles for "international" foods and introducing your flatmates to a new cuisine can be fun, and remind you of home.
留学很“热” 我的脑子没“热”
“我觉得出国留学是一个去经历、去体验的过程。我不在乎我最后能取得多厉害的成就、多高的地位,我只在乎,活在世上,我走了这么一遭。”2017-09-01 13:22
职场社交平台领英(LinkedIn)日前发布的《中国职场人教育投资消费洞察报告》指出,98%的中国职场人工作后有意愿进行学习提升,其中一些人选择出国留学深造。他们基于怎样的考虑,前路又如何2017-08-14 10:13