2017-05-27 09:05 来源: 中国日报网


  Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg features in a long line of university dropouts who became millionaires after founding technology companies - Bill Gates and Steve Jobs among them.

  脸书创始人马克 扎克伯格是辍学创办科技公司并成为百万富翁的成功人士之一,比尔 盖茨和史蒂夫 乔布斯也是他的同道中人。

  But 12 years after leaving Harvard to work on Facebook full time, he has returned to pick up his degree.


  Zuckerberg founded what was then called "The Facebook" in his college dormitory in 2004. The service was at first limited only to Harvard students before expanding to other Ivy League universities.

  2004年,扎克伯格在大学宿舍里创办了“脸书”(当时叫The Facebook)。“脸书”服务最初只对哈佛学生开放,后来又扩展到其他常春藤大学。

  He delivered the university's commencement address later on Thursday. After receiving the honour, he posted a photo of him with his parents Edward and Karen Zuckerberg.


  Today @HarvardAlumni Mark Zuckerberg fulfills his parents dream with a Harvard degree.

  — Hal Burstein, MD (@DrHBurstein) May 25, 2017

  今天 @哈佛校友 马克 扎克伯格用一个哈佛学位圆了他父母的梦。

  ——哈尔 布尔斯泰恩,医学博士(@DrHBurstein),2017年5月25日

  During his remarks on Thursday, Mr Zuckerberg told graduates that "we live in an unstable time".


  With his wife, Priscilla, in the audience, he pointed to the dormitory where he launched Facebook, and remarked that meeting her there was the best thing to happen to him at the university.


  Zuckerberg returned to the room where he built Facebook along with his co-founders, Dustin Moskovitz, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum and Chris Hughes.

  扎克伯格回到了他和联合创始人达斯汀 莫斯科维茨、爱德华多 萨维林、安德鲁 麦科克伦和克里斯 休斯一起创建脸书网站的寝室。

  Even after the company moved its headquarters to California, Zuckerberg continued to be enrolled at Harvard until he dropped out in November 2005. "I'm not coming back" he told the university paper The Crimson.


  His honorary degree comes 12 years later, a little quicker than it took Bill Gates, another famous Harvard dropout to get his. Gates, who left to found Microsoft in 1975, did not receive his honorary degree until 2007.

  12年后,扎克伯格拿到了荣誉学位,跟比尔 盖茨相比早了几年,比尔 盖茨也是著名的哈佛辍学生,他1975年离开哈佛创办微软公司,直到2007年才拿到荣誉学位。

  Last week, Zuckerberg shared a video of him finding out he had been accepted into Harvard.


【纠错】 责任编辑: 何险峰
  • 扎克伯格后悔创建“脸书”?想吃后悔药的可不止他一个!
    2017-03-15 12:58
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